
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m finally getting around to writing about Eswatini and the final days. Anyway the last week was in Eswatini was the best week of all. We went to a new CarePoint (A place that feeds kids in the community) that week. We started off by doing a home visit. Which consisted of going to a home talking with the people there and sharing some Bible verses and praying with them. The people at the houses are almost all Christians. So they are very open to the gospel. Sadly though they don’t have Bibles. So sharing Bible verses with them means a lot to them. They also believe in the power of prayer. So they love when we pray for them also. We went to a few houses but one house stood out to me. In this house there was a few kids adults and one grandma. We talked with them for a short while. They mentioned the grandma makes grass mats. So they brought out some of the mats and the device used to help create the mats. They then showed us how to make a mat. I always thought it was very complex to make a mat, but with this device it was made relatively easy. Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of it. Though I was very surprised at how kind they were and how open they were to showing us this. Literally everyone is like this though. Everyone here is so nice and hospitable. When you go to a house they bring out chairs or mats or anything for you to sit on.

We then went back to the CarePoint after a few house visits. By then the kids had gotten out of school and were playing on the playground. So we started playing with them. Then the host brought out a volleyball net so we helped set it up. We played volleyball with the kids for hours It was so fun just playing and loving on them. A lot of the kids either don’t have parents or there parents don’t have time to give them attention or physical contact. So they love being held or holding hands. I thought I would come to share the gospel which we have but I realized that’s not the most important thing to do. The most important is to show God’s love to people. Like it says in John 13:35, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that your are my disciples.”

2 responses to “The End of a Chapter”

  1. We’re proud of you, Peter, as you serve the Lord and these people on the other side of the world. What a rich deposit you are leaving in the hearts of so many. Your kindness, your actions, and your love towards these people speaks louder than words. Be encouraged that the Word of the Lord has gone forth. We love you and we are continuing to pray for you. Love, Mom

  2. Peter, thank you so much for sharing what you’ve been doing and how God is working in and through you. It must be very eye-opening to see people who have far less then we do, yet our brothers and sisters in God’s family. We’re so happy to see you ministering and showing God’s love to them. Love, Dad